Functional Medicine and Nutrition
Functional Medicine/Nutrition Counseling
Online or in person Counseling
Shannon uses a holistic approach to treat chronic disease, with a focus on nutrition, supplementation, detox programs, physical needs, sleep and exercise. Helping you to live a healthier life from the inside out!
Functional medicine offers an approach to chronic disease management. It seeks to answer the question, “What is the root cause of illness” so you can receive personalized, effective care for your needs.
Functional medicine providers spend time listening to you and gathering your medical history. We use this information to identify the underlying cause (s) of the illness, including triggers such as:
- Poor Nutrition
- Stress
- Toxins
- Genetics
- Microbiome (bacteria living in your gut)
Once we identify the triggers, we can dermine any further testing (Blood/Glucose, Saiva/Hormone, Thyroid, Mold/Toxins) that will help customize a healthy living plan for you
- Identify your health and fitness goals.
- Suplement plan
- Detox plan
- Nutritian plan ("food as medicine" philosophy)
- Lifestyle changes
Conditions Treated With Functional Medicine
Anyone facing a chronic condition can benefit from functional medicine.
Some of the most common conditions treated include:
- Adrenal Disorders
- Alzheimer's and Dementia
- Arthritis
- Autoimmune diseases
- Cancer Prevention
- Cardiovascular Disease
- Diabetes
- Digestive Disorders
- Fibromyalgia
Before your first visit, you complete an extensive medical history questionnaire. The information you provide lays the groundwork for investigation into the root cause(s) of your current chronic condition.
The extensive medical history questionnaire will ask you about your:
- Lifestyle: Including your diet, activity level, work life, hobbies and stressors.
- Genetics: Including your family history of physical and mental conditions.
- Environment: Including your exposure to toxins and allergens.
During your one on one visit:
- Review your health history.
- Order lab tests and perform specialized blood tests as needed.
- Introduce you to our “food as medicine” philosophy.
- Identify your health goals and fitness goals.
Functional Medicine and Nutrition Assessments and Counseling
Shannon is a Registered and Licensed Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN, LDN) and Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner. She offers personalized, one-on-one nutrition counseling for individuals seeking to improve their health. She teaches her clients how to improve energy, fight disease, lose undesired body fat and live a healthy lifestyle.
Individual Functional Medicine/Nutrition Assessment and Plan$220
Follow Up Counseling $60
Free for New Pilates Clients9:00 to 16:30
Nutrition Services include:
- Determine calorie needs and ideal body weight
- Assess nutritional adequacy of daily eating patterns
- Develop meal pattern to maintain energy
- Personalize diet plans for successful weight reduction
- Special diets for diabetes, heart disease, hypoglycemia and weight gain
- Listen to concerns and answer questions regarding fat, cholesterol, fiber, fast foods, sodium, vitamins, supplements, anorexia, bulimia or whatever nutrition concerns clients may have